Monday, December 31, 2007

Little Houdini

Last night Jack woke me up at around 5 am. He had managed to free both arms from his super-duper swaddling blanket. Great.... swaddling won't work anymore. He seemed very pleased with himself and enjoyed waving his hands around in the air. I just flipped him over, stuck a paci in his mouth and went back to bed.
This morning Jack was playing in his saucer when he started to whine. Little Houdini was at it again. He had pulled his arm inside his pajamas. But he didn't think it was as useful for sucking on when covered in terry cloth.

Saturday, December 29, 2007

Mirror Image

Dan and I got Jack a mirror for Christmas. Jack thinks he's very handsome and spends lots of time every day primping in front of it.
Jack's been getting good at squealing and making happy baby noises when he plays with his toys. He's also getting better at playing with things - including his pacifier. He can hold it in place and pull it out. He hasn't yet figured out how to put it back in. That's my job.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas

Right before the Christmas Eve services.

Forget about smashed bananas and rice cereal...

Checkin' out some presents from the Mertens.

My new slippers!

When I put Jack in the water spills out!

Thursday, December 20, 2007

The finger

After 3 months of testing, Jack has settled on a finger. He vigorously tested various finger, thumb and fist combinations - left fist, right fist, both fists, three fingers, two from each hand, finger and thumb, etc... It was looking for a while like he might settle on the whole fist. Or possibly even both fists at once. But a few days ago he made his final decision. He prefers his right index finger. Maybe someday he'll realize that God created the thumb for sucking.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Week before Christmas

I asked Jack to smile for the camera - and this is what he did for me.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

3 Month Birthday!

The past several mornings Jack has been giving us this really funny smile where he sticks his bottom lip under his gums. This isn't a real good picture of it, but it's funny.

So Jack turned 1/4 a year on Wednesday. He's really enjoying his saucer more and more. Everyday he figures out how to do something new with it.

I think he's really starting to change in his looks. Especially in these pictures. He's looking more like a busy little boy than a baby.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

A plethora of pictures

You're in for a treat this week. I found a bunch of pictures on our computer that Uncle Chris took at Thanksgiving time. So I take no credit for how good the pictures look. Well okay, I'll take some credit for how cute Jack is :-)

He's really irked that he didn't get any cheesecake.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Nerd In Training - Session 2

If you wanna be a nerd, you gotta have the hair.

Being a nerd is fun!

Sorry the pictures are so blurry - you shoulda seen then before I fixed the red eyes. Jack looked, well I hate to say it, like a demon-child.
On another note, we're all doing well here. Dan has a cold, so we're hoping Jack doesn't get it. Jack's talking non-stop now. He's getting good at his vowels - ayeeeiiiioouuu - over and over with an occasional shriek in excitement or raspberry. It's really sweet. And me? I'm kept busy trying to resist the Christmas cookies.

Friday, December 7, 2007

Little update

Sorry it's been a while since an update. My excuse is not a good one - I simply didn't take good pictures of Jack this week. So here are the ones I have that don't feature him crying or blurry. In this first one Jack and I are about to go on a walk to the library. Don't mind the water and toothpaste spots on the mirror.

Jack's getting nice and chubby. He's putting some weight on for the winter. Oh, and he also learned how to roll over (stomach to back) this week. His new favorite thing to do is jump on the bed - or lie there while I bounce it for him.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Christmas Tree Day

So we went Christmas tree shopping today. We had to bundle Jack up because it was cold and snowy outside. He wasn't quite sure what to make of it.

Phew... Christmas tree shopping is hard work!


Jack now fits into his cool blue jeans.

He's already learned how to multi-task: Playing with toys with one hand and sucking on the other.

Jack hates "Tummy Time".

Oh hey! Polka dots!

But he loves to stand with a bit of help!