Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Christmas Knickers

We went over the river and through the woods (and the mountains and the desert!) to Grandma's house for Thanksgiving. It's a 5 hour drive to Seattle - and Jack was a very good boy. He slept about half the drive, and the rest of it he just looked around and smiled. He didn't even eat during those 5 hours - I felt so bad for him! But he was great.

Dad and Uncle Chris took a hint from Jack and passed the time sleeping.

As much fun as Jack had in Seattle, he was very happy to be back home with his favorite toys.

Auntie Carol gave these Christmas pajamas to Jack before he was even born. Dan and I think they're adorable - Jack doesn't agree.

Maybe he's embarrassed at the nakedness off those shapely thighs. We found out that they are magic pjs - they helped Jack sleep 9 hours last night!!!

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

My baby's growing up!

Cute even upside down!

John tried the "Johnny-jump-up" out the other day. His feet didn't quite reach the ground - we'll try again in a few months :-)

But he loves his new play-center saucer. His feet DO reach the bottom of it. And he loves to stand. He does a great job holding his head up and reaching out to play with all the neat toys. Yikes! He's only 2 1/2 months old! I think he'll get lots of use out of it.

Most exciting news - Jack's sleeping through the night!!! I got 8 hour stretches out of him the past two nights in a row! Now we need to work him up to 12!

Sunday, November 18, 2007

New toys

Jack got some new toys from Aunt Molly, Uncle Jeff and cousins Emma and Faith. Here he is learning to hold them.

Jack also took a shower the other night. He liked chewing on the towel.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Pictures.... finally

Okay, so I could finally get some pictures up online. Blogspot wasn't working for a while - I wasn't procrastinating. We had a wonderful time visiting my family and friends in Chicago. Most of these pictures (all but the first one) are from our trip there.
On Monday we went took John to his 2 month checkup. He weighed in at a chubby 12 lbs 10 oz. This put him at 75% on the charts. And he is 24.5" long - so at 95%! Big boy!