Thursday, April 24, 2008

Unfolding the laundry

Folding the laundry takes a lot longer when Jack's awake. But it's also more fun!

This box was fun for about 20 seconds.

The other night Jack was supposed to be sleeping but it sounded like he was having a party. This is what I found.

This was taken Monday... April 21st. It looks more like February 21st. Don't you feel sorry for us?

Saturday, April 19, 2008

More indoors pictures...

It's still winter here in the Northwest. So all our pictures are still taken in our living room. I can't wait to get some pictures of Jack outside. I had more pictures to put up... but blogspot isn't working properly right now. Check back later for more!

Goodmorning Jack!

Saturday, April 12, 2008

7 Months

Our apartment

So after talking to my sister today, I realized that only Brenna has seen this apartment. Here's some pictures I took recently - now you girls don't have to try to imagine what it looks like.

Friday, April 4, 2008

Sick Days

Aunt Brenna sent Jack an Easter package this week. So these pictures of from Jack playing with his new toys while watching Baby Einstein. He loves his new video. He smiles and giggles at the babies on the tv and he especially likes the monkies.

Jack's had a cold the past few days. I could really tell he wasn't feeling normal when I found him resting his head on the floor. That's the first time I can remember Jack ever doing that.

Right after I took this picture he fell in. I wish I got a picture of that :-)

Thursday, April 3, 2008

A True Cheese Head ... for the Wisconsin relatives

Jack's first try at cottage cheese. Yummy, but the curds just slip right out of the mouth.

"Ooh, where'd the cheese go?"

There it is!

He wore most of it. But he did like the pieces that made it into his mouth.