Sunday, May 30, 2010


It was a joyful Sabbath spent in the sun...
With good buddies...

And rock-throwing!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Corn on the Cob

Two blog posts in one day! Don't get used to this.
We had our first corn on the cob for the season and it sure was delicious. Seems a bit too early for it, but I won't complain.

Maybe he thought we said "Say cheesie!"

Now this is one veggie we can all get excited about!

Jammie Time

I've been lame blog-wise lately. And I still don't have any good pictures to post. But I do have this video. Nothing exciting - but maybe something that atleast doting grandparents and aunties can appreciate.

Monday, May 10, 2010

We love our mothers and the Palouse

For Mothers Day we went hiking on Kamiak Butte (after a delicious brunch, of course.) The boys loved all the sticks they found on the hike.
Here we are taking a quick breather on the way up. I look like I've been stuck indoors growing a baby all winter. I have! But the sun has finally come out and we're all excited to see it.
Let me out!

And that tiny town in the distance is our little Moscow.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Family Picture

I'm afraid this is as good as it's gonna get as far as family pictures go.

We celebrated Dan's 27th birthday yesterday. We had pork chops, risotto, roasted broccoli and followed it up with an orange blueberry cake. And wow, our walls really aren't that neon.