Jack is our little man stuck in a child's body. Every morning when he wakes up (albeit in his fleece footy pajamas) he needs to shave with Daddy and put on his "oderant". The other morning at breakfast he wanted to read World magazine, just like I did. Before you think he's growing up too fast, he's staring intently at a picture of a lawn mower on that page. He's not quite ready for the political articles yet.

Later that morning he decided he wanted to make coffee.

And here's our happy Isaiah. He's not a tiny little thing anymore. Look how he fills in that bouncy chair. He just loves to watch everything going on around him and finds much to laugh at.

This isn't a particularly interesting picture but I had to include one with Patrick in it. I tend to feel guilty if I leave one of the boys out of a blog post. Jack and Patrick are really becoming good playmates. The past several days they'll just go off together and play. Usually Jack leads them in some adventure involving a tractor, rowboat, donkey, castle and a dragon. Usually all within the same journey. I'm really enjoying this new change in their playing habits and look forward to it developing more.