Blogspot has updated and improved and now I can upload more than 4 pictures at a time! Hang onto your swivel chair, folks. Here's a bunch of pictures from our week!
Here Patrick is savoring his orange snowcone between rides down the slide.
Sneaky sneak!
"It's a tewascope!"
And here's our traditional "Lick the birthday cake batter" pictures:
Jack is VERY excited about being 4. Or maybe it's just the cake.
Jack got his antlers he requested.
And a bike from Grandpa and Grandma Bakken!
I mentioned in my last post that Isaiah loves to pick my green tomatoes. Here's proof. Earlier this morning Patrick ran inside and tattled "Zayuh's in the matos." Sure enough.... this boy did not clean up the scene of the crime too well.
I found these tomatoes tossed through the fence into our neighbor's yard (how thoughtful.) And about 15 cherry tomatoes squashed into the dirt.
Thankfully we enjoyed this beefsteak before Isaiah got to it (though he did manage to poke it several times with a stick before it was rescued.)