Tuesday, May 27, 2008

New Toy

I actually found a toy that can hold Jack's interest for more than 30 seconds. He spent a good 5 minutes this morning playing with the hen (it makes makes clucking noises when you lift it off its eggs.) He just flipped it up and down, up and down, taking an occasional break to smile for the camera.
As you can see from the pictures, Jack still has no teeth, and no sign of them coming. He also does not want to crawl still. Though that doesn't keep him from climbing and scooching all around. His new thing to do at bedtime is stand up in his crib and pull down the mobile.
There are many good pictures coming soon. I have to confess that we did not take any pictures while we were in Seattle for the weekend. But Uncle Chris did, so I plan on stealing some of his pics and sharing them with you.

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