Our mornings start off kind of slow here. Dan must go to work thinking all I do all day is lay around in my pajamas. But not so. Things kick to life shortly after he leaves and our mornings are usually quite busy with cooking, cleaning and playing. The boys have started to enjoy lounging in the bed watching Daddy get ready for work - after their tummies are filled. This morning Jack had "a bowl full of mush" (oatmeal) like in "Goodnight Moon." He gobbled it down excitedly repeating "Mush Mush!"

Jack's into cars. Anything and everything can be a car when you're a boy and almost 2 years old. Here is one such case. Jack has a ball maze. That was fun for a while. But he had far more fun turning it into a car and scooching around on it saying "brrm brrrm!"

Why, I think he's grown.

I wonder where Jack could be.
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