Patrick and I checking out the guini pigs (boring!)

Jack sought Daddy's comfort at the sheep barn. He's not a big fan of anything larger than...

chickens! He loved the baby chicks.

The bunnies were okay too.

Patrick's crawling and climbing all over the place. He's even adventurous enough to stand up and let go. He's got good balance. Slow down, Patrick, you just turned 8 months!

Look at that blond hair - he's such a cutie. Poor little Tattat has a fever right now (swine flu?) Other than that he doesn't seem too horribly sick. But he's definately not as active, curious and happy as he normally is. I can't wait for him to be his silly self again.
Oh yeah - Jack had his 2 yr check up (and shots!) last week. He tips the scale at a measly 25 lbs (10th percentile), but is almost 36 inches tall (75th.) I'm really anxious to see how much Patrick weighs, I think he'll be outweighing Jack before too long. They're already sharing some shorts and pajamas. I really need it to start cooling off here - Patrick's outgrown all of his summer clothes!
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