Of course these pictures are completely out of order, because that's how I roll.

Jack was cooking with his new play food (while sitting in his new rocking chair from G&G Bakken) when he decided it was time to eat. He yelled out to me "Mamma! Pray! Amen!"

Jack had to open his presents with his new wooden knife that came with his play food.

Jack got some new underwear from Aunties Carol and Becky. He immediately had to wear it.

Playing with stocking stuffers. Their favorites are these pathetic kazoos from the dollar store that don't even work.
Some Pre-Christmas shots...

Patrick dual-sipping

And reading books

And walking. Lots and lots of walking now. Crawling is for babies.

The boys got to open an early Christmas present from G&G Mertens - a nativity set. Patrick likes the box the best.

Ooh "Caymuls"!

As they always say... the box is the best part.
I must say... Christmas just gets more and more fun every year. Next year we will have a 3 yr old, almost 2 yr old and an infant. What fun will that be?!
Hi Bakkens! We enjoyed looking at your recent posts. Boy you have some busy boys on your hands! Did I see that you are expecting baby #3?? Hope you had an awesome Christmas! Deann
Amy, thanks so much for keeping us all updated on your family. Your boys are just adorable. I am looking forward to seeing you in less than two weeks. It will be strange to have three little boys in the house:-)
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