Monday, October 4, 2010

Some before and after

We had all of our windows and our sliding glass door replaced this week. To say that we love it would be an understatement. I decided to replace our old ratty dining room curtains with some from Ikea. I also spray painted the existing curtain rod "rubbed oil bronze." We're keeping the curtains in the living room but I will definitely be painting the rods in there to match the dining room. You can't really notice the difference in the picture, but a huge impact in person.

And check out that old window. Windows are supposed to be transparent, right? Well, this one wasn't. So we are very happy to be able to look our our window now and see Paradise Ridge.

And no post would be complete without a happy fat-baby picture.

1 comment:

Ali Tong said...

I LOVE the green in your living room. It's really pretty! I love green.