Monday, October 31, 2011

Dressing up a bit

 Grandma Mertens sent Jack this awesome costume as a belated birthday present. He slept in it the first night. He's especially fond of the whistle that came with it. (Oh yay.)

 Patrick didn't feel as though it came with adequate weaponry so he modified the outfit.

Our church had its annual Reformation Day carnival last night. Jack was in Seattle for the weekend with Dan so Patrick got to wear his SWAT costume. Isaiah went as a cranky little lion. 

And completely unrelated to Reformation Day or costumes, here are three little cookie makers helping me in the kitchen (aka Sugar-Eaters.)

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Bishop's Orchard

We went big at Bishop's this year and picked 120 lbs of Macintosh apples. So far I've made 15 quarts of applesauce.... I'm not even half done. Maybe we were a little over-enthusiastic but I'm pretty sure we'll have no problem devouring the applesauce, dried apples and apple pies this winter. 

 While we pressed cider the big boys tested out the tractor.

This guy's been rather tired and cranky recently from a cold. This in turn has made me tired - but I hope not cranky. 

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Still alive.

Sorry folks, I'm a bad blogger. Not only do I go for weeks at a time between blog posts, but when I do blog I lack exciting pictures. I rarely remember to pull out the camera when we go places or do anything particularly exciting. Perhaps if I had an iphone this would be remedied ;-) But atleast I have a few pictures to satisfy the most faithful fans.

Okay so bear with the weird formatting. Nothing centers perfectly or at all. I might lose some of my OCD readers. I've had a hard time with the new blogspot editor. Ugh, it just deleted a cute picture I had with the boys in some new pjs from Grandma Mertens. Since I'm a bad blogger I will not bother to reload it. Sorry guys. 

I found this chunk of cheese on the countertop. I'm pretty sure those bitemarks would match Patrick's - my little cheese-lover.

Guess who's walking! This is the only way I could get a picture of our speedy little guy.