Thursday, February 28, 2008

Post Surgery

He thinks he's so cool.

I guess Jack's a tad whiter than normal in these three pictures, but he should be nice and pink soon. He's super happy to be home. He is babbling and rolling around every which way. He's already forgotten all about the trauma of getting an IV and, horror of all horrors, getting medical tape pulled off. Ouch! I think he handled getting the IV better than the tape.

This picture was taken several days ago - but I think it's cute :-)

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Getting bigger

Jack's getting pretty good at sitting unassisted.

But not so good at using the sippy cup by himself.

Saturday, February 16, 2008


Jack's perfected rolling from his back to his stomach. Unfortunately, he's forgotten how to roll from his stomach to back. So he just gets cranky and cries for me to flip him.

First graham cracker.

For those of you who have not heard (so probably nobody,) Jack was diagnosed with a congenital heart disease this week called Aortic Stenosis. His aortic valve is way too small. Many people who have this condition can go through life with no treatment (atleast until they are elderly.) But Jack has a more severe case of it. We are thankful that they caught this early and that there are medical treatments for it. Wednesday, March 5th Jack will have a balloon valvuloplasty done. The doctor will insert a catheter through his thigh and try to open up the valve with a balloon. This is only a temporary fix. It may need to be done many times until Jack is bigger. By the time he is a teenager, Jack will probably have a mechanical valve. If he does, he will live a sedentary life. We pray that what the doctor told us will not come true... that Jack will not need a valve replacement of any kind. No matter what happens, we know that God is in control. We are incredibly thankful that this was caught early and that it can be treated before Jack develops symptoms. Please keep our little John Henrik in your prayers and we will keep this blog updated as we learn more.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

"Hi" from John

Hello everybody. Just a quick hello from Jack here. We've gotta run out the door. But just wanted to let you all know that Jack's quite happy. We appreciate your prayers ... but please don't worry too much (grandparents and aunties especially!) We'll keep you all updated. Gotta jet!