Wednesday, July 29, 2009

New Arrival

Meet "Brunhilda". She is my new Singer, and as her name implies, she is hearty and solid. I've been waiting for her for a long time :-)

Patrick's new trick is sitting up in bed. He loves practicing at all hours of the day and night. Problem is, once he's up, he's too fat to lay himself back down.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Doin' the dishes

I tried potty training this week. I gave up after one moring. I'm weak and Jack is strong. He won. He got his diapers back. He won't win come fall. He WILL be potty trained before winter!

Bit blurry - sorry there. Jack's buddies Emeth and Matthias came over to play and help him empty his toy boxes out all over the place.


I've been slowly introducing Patrick to "solids" with very little success. Unlike Jack, who first stuffed rice into his mouth at 4 months, Patrick is not enjoying the new gastronomic treats. So far he's had rice cereal, banana and apricot. He doesn't like any of it. See for yourselves...

The funniest part is that he'd make these faces before even taking a bite.

He doesn't like bananas any better!

Friday, July 17, 2009

Yes, I know my children are adorable.

A friend of my family's took these fantastic pictures when we were out in Illinois in June. Check out his blog for more of his talent (and more cute pictures of the boys.)

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

This post may seem like a repeat. And it kind of is. These picture's are from Dan's folks.

Here we are roasting coffee at our place with Uncle Mike and Aunt Gabrielle. We had a fun weekend hanging out with them.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Lazy Summer Mornings

Our mornings start off kind of slow here. Dan must go to work thinking all I do all day is lay around in my pajamas. But not so. Things kick to life shortly after he leaves and our mornings are usually quite busy with cooking, cleaning and playing. The boys have started to enjoy lounging in the bed watching Daddy get ready for work - after their tummies are filled. This morning Jack had "a bowl full of mush" (oatmeal) like in "Goodnight Moon." He gobbled it down excitedly repeating "Mush Mush!"

Jack's into cars. Anything and everything can be a car when you're a boy and almost 2 years old. Here is one such case. Jack has a ball maze. That was fun for a while. But he had far more fun turning it into a car and scooching around on it saying "brrm brrrm!"

Why, I think he's grown.

I wonder where Jack could be.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

4th of July Fun

Atleast the adults had a fun time. We had a very mini firecrackers show for Jack on the 4th. He did not enjoy it as much as we thought he would. But I enjoyed catching Patrick's reaction!

As always, everything was AOK in the end for Patrick. He's such a happy and fat baby (if you can't tell from these pictures.)

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Summer Days

I was in the kitchen the other day when I noticed that the fridge door was open. I didn't think much of it and closed it. Then Jack runs into the room with a strawberry shouting "apple apple!" So I put him in his highchair to eat it. He loves these red juicy "apples", though it doesn't look like it in this picture. Stolen strawberries are a bit sour.

Then I went into the living room and found Patrick with the rest of the strawberries.

He ate one of them.

He didn't like his first taste of rice cereal quite so much. After 3 days of it, he's come to like it. He gets excited about eating from a spoon. Though he isn't so keen on the flavor (or lack there of.) Can't blame him.

While we're on a food theme here... I started roasting my own coffee beans. I've been wanting to do this for years. I finally found the right kind of popcorn popper to do so for $7 at Goodwill. I placed my order online for 8 lbs of green coffee beans. They arrived yesterday. Ironically, it is the hottest weekend we've had all summer. Hitting the 90's. But I roasted some beans in my popcorn popper and this mornign we enjoyed our first cups of home roasted coffee. I can honestly say that it is some of the best coffee I've ever had. All you coffee drinkers, come visit for a taste! Non-local relatives, come on out and visit. If not for the babies, do it for the coffee.