Thursday, March 27, 2008

Bath time

Dinner time is messy business around here, especially when Jack tries to feed himself.

I hope no one is offended by his little boy parts - he's not particularly embarrased.

Monday, March 24, 2008

New Tricks

Jack's been learning lots of new tricks this week. First he learned how to click his tongue and enjoys practicing daily. Then he learned how to gurgle his apple juice during church. And now he's figured out how to take pictures of himself! Jack had a checkup with his cardiologist. His little ticker is doing well! God answers prayers and it looks like Jack won't need another heart cath for another 5 or 10 years!

Monday, March 17, 2008

Half a year!

Jack celebrated his 1/2 year birthday last Wednesday by going to the doctor to get his shots. He also got weighed and measured. He weighs 16 lbs 8 oz and is 27.5 inches. So this puts him at 40% for weight and somewhere between 75% and 90% for length. So he's tall and lean - for a baby atleast. He's really a cutie pie and keeps us laughing. He doesn't have any teeth yet, and as far as I can tell they are a while in coming. But that doesn't keep him from eating. New foods of the week - sweet potato and mango... not together.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Busy Boy

It takes a lot of effort to get such itty bitty pieces of bread into such a big mouth.

No I don't have really bad aim - Jack just had to rub his face a lot during dinner. It's a good thing Jack likes baths.

Favorite toys of the week - the wooden spoon and tubberware.

Oh, yeah - I've had several comments from people who thought that I staged the pictures of Jack playing with the DVDs. I didn't. He can get into trouble all by himself.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Cool Kid

He looks happy - but I think he was really screaming "Lemmee outa here!"

Monday, March 3, 2008

Nothing's safe anymore....

Jack was real crabby the other day. Nothing would make him happy. But then I pulled out this thingamabob from Aunt Kathy. It has a mesh bag that I put a banana chunk in. He loved it! And I was able to get some work done for about half a banana. Of course, he got a lot messier than he looks in this picture.

"Oh, just rolling around, checking out the dvds."

"Ooh, they move when I touch them."

"New toys!"