Monday, June 30, 2008

Lack of pictures...

I haven't been posting pictures of Jack recently because, well, he's a very difficult child to photograph. And not because he isn't photogenic. He just doesn't like to pose. He's too busy. Usually he just tries to get as close as possible to the camera... and he can crawl a lot faster than my flash can go off. So these are some of the better ones I've taken today. Most of them are close-ups of his mouth and armpit.

Sunday, June 22, 2008


First he tried to pull out all of my clothes.

But when I closed the closet he decided to work on his clothes.

Jack loves to read with Daddy. He also loves to smile for the camera.

We had a very lazy Sunday. Take-out pizza and Indiana Jones. We even pulled Jack into the living room to eat some pizza with us. We only got through about 5 minutes of the movie before we decided to wait until Jack was in bed. So dont' worry... he won't be having bad dreams tonight.

And here's our new couch and loveseat. Only $150! Nice, huh? The couch is great for naps.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

I rolled Jack up in a blanket to try to keep him in one spot. But he quickly skooched out. He's getting everywhere now. Thankfully he stays in whatever room I'm in. But if I leave the room he swiftly hunts me down. He's just getting cuter and cuter, and i didn't know that was possible.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Lunch Time

Merry Christmas! We woke up to snow this morning. And it snowed allll morning. I should have taken a picture of the snow once it started to stick. We got almost an inch before it melted. Oh, and it's June 10th. I've been complaining (i'll admit it) all up until now about our pathetic "summer" weather. But now that it actually snowed I just think it's funny.

Yams in the eyebrows and beans in the nose... what a kid.

Friday, June 6, 2008

Special Delivery should have seen how much fun he had with the bubble wrap.
Jack discovered how to flush the toilet today. Now if only I can teach him how to scrub it.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Baby Bean

Here's a very cute picture of Jack's little brother (or I guess it could be a sister.) I think he's very photogenic. This picture really doesn't do him justice - it's a picture of a picture, so not exactly high-quality. Oh, and that circle all the way over on the left. That is not a second head (what I had originally feared.) It is the slowly dwindling yolk sac. It'll be gone in about a month!

Monday, June 2, 2008

Nakey Time

Jack really likes to look at his books... almost as much as he likes looking at the DVDs.

This is what I usually see when I go in to get Jack up after a nap. It's also what I usually see when he is supposed to be going down for a nap or for the night. Why sleep when you can stand up?
Jack is now a crawler and nothing is safe anymore. He just started crawling the other day. So far he'll only crawl to get to things he's not supposed to touch, namely, the computer. I foresee him keeping me on my toes in the very short future.