Friday, February 26, 2010


Just this morning I was sitting here at the computer when I heard Jack screaming bloody murder. He ran into the room - "STUCK! STUCK STUCK!" That's a DVD case on his head, if you couldn't tell. Thankfully I had my camera with me and snapped a quick picture before he pulled it off his head.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Goings On

We've been busy over here. After the New Year we started house hunting. The process was fun for about an hour and now we're just eager to get into our house. We were set to move this week when we got the bad news that it'll be another month. Apparently buying from bankrupt sellers can be quite a hassle. But it should be worth it! So we're shoving our our boxes aside and trying to live as "normally" as possible until we (Lord willing) get our house and can start making it our home!
The boys supply us with endless entertainment over here. Patrick loves to tag after Jack and Jack is talking non-stop these days. Some of our favorite Jackisms are "I'm so cuuuuuuuute!" "Cannimal" (camal.) "See you alligator." And how whenever we talk about pigs Jack has to mention Patrick.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Cabin Fever: February Edition


It seems I have a picture of Patrick like this in almost every blogpost....

Here Jack's showing off his "Cider" (spider). The boy just loves finding spiders around the house and making them his pets. I think he has been greatly influenced by his new favorite movie - Charlotte's Web.

Some of the great benefits of moving - bubble wrap and packing boxes!