Saturday, November 29, 2008


Sorry these pictures are so low-res. Dan took them on his phone. I took a bunch of pictures from the weekend but they're stuck on my camera. I'll work on getting them off this week, I'm not really sure why I can't get them off now.
Jack just loved to walk Puma the chihuahua around the house. Or was Puma walking Jack?

Try to show a little more holiday spirit, Jack.

Playin with the Grandpas.
Today Jack's been walking around the house with a squirt water bottle that I use for ironing. He walks up to his toys, furniture or us and pretends to squirt the bottle saying "ssschhh sssccch." I would document this with a photo ... if my camera let me.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


Blogspot is kind of weird and tends to scramble up the order of my pictures. So you get to see the "after" pictures before the "befores". I think this picture is just so cute. I told him "say cheese" and he actually gave me a big toothy smile! Speaking of teeth - Jack started a new awful habit. He's now grinding his teeth. Drives me crazy!

Why I can't get any good pictures

I just can't manage to get any good pictures of Jack. Last night I tried to take some pictures of him playing but he had a temper tantrum when I wouldn't give him the camera. He's also so active that my camera just can't seem to keep up with him.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Old New Pictures

Dad requested new pictures. But turns out I didn't even have the battery in my camera the entire week. Guess Jack just wasn't cute this week (don't worry - he was. It just wasn't documented.) These pictures were taken by my friend Rachel when we were in Chicago for Jack's 1st birthday back in September. Thanks Rachel!
...and we wonder why he has so much energy. He looks like a zombie college student getting his first caffeine fix of the morning.

Can I poke her?

Jack loved playing under the table. He kept getting little cream cheese finger prints all over the window and chairs. Sorry Starbucks! Thankfully the employees that morning seemed especially friendly and understanding.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Tool Time

Dan's parents are installing wood flooring right now, and Megan got a bunch of great pictures, so she gets the credit. It's also why I'm in one of the pictures. Here Jack's modeling his new winter coat. I got it for $5.99 at Goodwill :-)

Here I am with my two babies. You can't tell from this picture - but I'm really getting quite huge.

Goofing off

If the tupperware drawer is a ton of must be even more fun to sit in!

Jumping on the bed. Sorry the picture quality is so poor in this post, I'm bad about recharging my battery.

Jack loves to eat my carmex. I miss my carmex.