Tuesday, January 31, 2012


It went fast. Time flies when you have these three stooges to keep you busy.

 Patrick turned 3. 

 Isaiah still has a bruised forehead. 

 We got a ton of snow a few weeks ago. Even lost electricity for several hours. It's been slowly melting ever since.

 Blurry. But incase you can't tell, Isaiah is wearing a SWAT team costume whilst carrying a coffee mug.

But incase you fear he's grown up too fast, our little baby still needs to wear a bib when eating nutella toast.

Just a little 9 AM "nap". It's about as restful as most afternoon naps that take place around here.


Molly said...

I hear congratulations are in order for you guys. One minute we are shopping at Goodwill and you tell me you aren't pregnant, then the next minute I hear that you are. Wow! Congrats!!! How fun. What is your due date? Will's birthday in Oct 9th. :-)Love, Aunt Molly

The Bakkens said...

Thanks! These second-cousins could share birthdays, though I'll be praying not. Baby is due Oct 4th, I think. I guess 5 days late wouldn't be too bad.